Liz Fair, NBC-HWC

Welcome! My name is Liz and Health and Wellness is my passion!Certified Health Coach

As a Master Certified Health Coach, I have been supporting my friends, family and clients in the area of Health and Wellness for over 4 years.

Prior to discovering this passion, I had a very different life. With a BS in Engineering and working as a Senior Executive in the Corporate world for over 30 years, I saw friends, colleagues, and even my own family’s health suffer due to excessive stress, unwanted pounds, poor nutrition, insomnia, and the list goes on. I felt my own health slipping fast and knew I needed to change so I poured myself into learning everything I could about how to Naturally take care of my body so I could enjoy my “Golden Years”. What I found were the secrets to Aging Well and Feeling GREAT!!! Its all about Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition. I was able to turn back my clock and feel better than I have in the last 30 years.

It became my mission to share this knowledge and help others achieve their own success. I meet my clients where they are and together we develop simple, effective, sustainable, ways to achieve their Wellness goals. It brings me great joy to partner with them so they can live Healthier, Happier lives.

Going L.E.A.N. really was one of the easiest transitions my family ever made, and I am passionate about sharing these life-changing tools and information with you and your family.

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

Edith Wharton

Master Certified Health Coach

Liz received her Master Health Coach Certification from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, founded by world-renowned physician and author, Dr. William Sears. The Institute is a leader in science-based health and wellness education that focuses on the four pillars of health: Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition (L.E.A.N.). A certification by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute is obtained only after completing the extensive course work and meeting all requirements. Once certified, a health coach possesses the knowledge, tools, and resources to make a positive difference in the health of others.

Master Certified Health CoachCertified Health Coach

Liz Fair

Serving Hilton Head Island, SC
and the USA via the Internet.

Phone: (859) 321-2444


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